Retire happy

How prepared are you for the retirement you would wish for yourself? Do you have the funds you need, do you know when you can afford to retire and have you a strategy for accessing your funds which ensures that they can both support your lifestyle and last for as long as you need them to?

In essence, do you have a plan, considered down to a granular level, which ensures that you can retire comfortably, retire sooner and retire happy?


It’s never too late to plan for a better future

Our clients range from young and insightful to retirement age with questions about the best way forward.

No matter your age, wealth or readiness for withdrawal from the workplace, we are here to help you grow your retirement funds by adopting the right investment strategy, balancing risk and reward, utilising all available allowances and tax reliefs, and reviewing and revising these plans over time against ever-changing, real-world factors.

We can help you with...

Tax-Efficient Retirement Planning
Pension Review and Consolidation
Pension Drawdown Advice
Defined Benefit Pension Transfer Advice
Workplace Pension Optimisation

Have you made a start yet?

As you go through life, from job to job, you will likely accumulate numerous pensions, which, if left unattended, as they often are, will leave you with higher risks and costs and lower visibility and control over where your money is invested than you might like.

So, whether this is all new to you, it’s been a while since you’ve looked into such things, or you’re looking for a second opinion to better suit your circumstances, preferences and needs, we’re here to help. And, no matter how many pension pots you have, if you require guidance – on maximising the tax-efficient access of your funds or planning for when to turn on and off your various income streams – there’s no time like the present for putting yourself on the right path to a more comfortable retirement.


Pensions and retirement planning can be a complex area as your plans today can have a significant impact on the lifestyle you can afford in the future. For guidance on all of the above call us on 020 3150 2500 or email